Artist Resources

These are a list of online resources for artists that I have found helpful and inspiring. I hope they do the same for you!

Art Podcasts

I love listening to podcasts. It helps me feel connected to other artists, bolster my creativity when I’m stuck, and open myself up to new ideas and techniques. Below are a few that I regularly turn to which I absolutely love for all the reasons above and highly recommend you do the same!

Laura Horn Art Podcast – Laura is a mixed media abstract artist in Australia who creates a fantastic podcast with her husband Richie. Their episodes are inspiring and positive and include topics relevant to all artists and creatives. They include interviews with other artists, fabulous creative resources, and have a genuine desire to connect their listeners with resources to bolster their own careers. Laura’s site also lists online classes and artist resources that I recommend you check out!

Art Juice – Louise Fletcher and Alice Sheridan are an engaging duo of talented abstract artists. Their discussions are fun, interesting and so relevant to the realities of the artist lifestyle. I love their regular project updates and always come out of an episode inspired and with so much to think about.

Creatives Get Real – Described as “Real conversations about the creative life, Roben-Marie Smith and Sandi Keene do not disappoint. They are fun, rea,l and definitely a podcast artists can enjoy.

Roben-Marie is a tech-savvy artist who offers unique and very generous tech advice on topics such as website design, email marketing, video editing to help artists maximize these tools in their business. Also be sure to check out her online workshops!